Pre team members

Pre team members

How do I apply for a position?

Our goal is to grow your prosperity as a member of our team. We are looking for people that are...

What are you looking for in your team members?

We are looking for people that: We tend to deemphasize experience, degrees and certificates that don’t actually prove 1 and...

What are Realty Trust Services job roles? What are the responsibilities?

Please see the following roles for our company. Not all of them are open. Some may never be open. We...

What are the company values?

Pro Play TEES? What is that? No we don’t sell little branded golf tees. No we aren’t a performance t-shirt...

Can you explain the team member selection process?

Glad you asked! So we try to make the process as objective as possible in order to make sure we...

Easy video testimonial

Follow this link and click “Record Video” button to record a quick video testimonial using your webcam and computer microphone.

Yelp filters reviews. Unless you already use Yelp or plan to in the future, please choose another site. If you do use Yelp, you can post a review in one step. You can also sign up with your Facebook account. On our listing, just:
  • Click “Write a Review”
  • Rate your experience with us, leaving as much descriptive feedback as possible to help us as well as other potential customers
  • Click “Signup and Post” to complete the process

Note: This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by Yelp.

Facebook lets us stay connected with our customers, fans and friends—and now lets you review businesses.

From our Facebook page:

  • Log in or sign up if you haven’t already
  • Find the “Recommendations” widget in the body of the page and recommend us
  • Leave additional feedback at the prompt
  • “Like” our page if you want to stay connected with us

Note: This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by Facebook.

YP is “dedicated to helping local businesses and communities grow.” They collect ratings and reviews of local businesses and service providers.

You can use your Facebook account to post a review. From our listing:

  • Click “Write a review” in the talkbox below our listing

  • Write as much as you’d like and give us a star rating

  • Sign in with your username or Facebook

Note: This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by YP.

If you don’t already have a Google account, you should—use it to read and post reviews, as well as access other Google products like Gmail.

From our Google listing:

  • If prompted, sign up or log in

  • Leave your rating and feedback

  • Click post to share with others.

Note: This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google.

Thank you! We need your help. Would you share your experience on one of these sites?

If you have concerns you wish to address in private, please get in touch. Contact Us.

We strive for 100% customer satisfaction. If we fell short, please contact our owner, Andy Morris at 440-427-0123 ext 116 so he can try and make it right. You can also fill out the form below and it will go directly to Andy only.

If you do not wish to address your concerns here and prefer to post a review, click here.