Realty Trust Services has a number of service offerings as an Ohio licensed real estate brokerage company. To meet those service offerings there are a number of roles each with their own written expectations.
Some roles are new roles and we need someone that is creative and can figure own and build the role further.
Other roles are established with a lots of processes and really need someone that can own and innovate their process.
Every role has at least one key number that is expected to be hit.
We have a daily 10 minute check in minute meeting we expect most team members to be in to help sync with the rest of the team.
We have a weekly 1 hour meeting where progress on goals and discuss vision and light training.
Our goal is to have short coaching meeting weekly one on with everyone’s superior.
There are also department level meetings as well that need to be prepared for and attended.
We expect everyone to do work that is with in the values of the company as laid out here.