Q.1: Who are the parties involved in this Property Management Agreement?
Q.2: How long is the initial term of this management agreement?
Q.3: The initial term may be misleading because ?
Q.4: How can either party (Owner or RTS) terminate the agreement?
Q.5: If neither party gives notice to terminate the agreement, what happens?
Q.6: Who is entitled to tenant placement fees?
Q.7: When is the payment of proceeds to the OWNER initiated?
Q.8: In what circumstances may RTS cancel the agreement immediately?
Q.9: What expenses will be billed to the OWNER for emergency repairs?
Q.10: When will non-essential cosmetic repairs be forwarded to the OWNER for approval?
Q.11: Who holds the rental deposits from tenants in a state audited, FDIC insured trust account?
Q.12: According to the agreement, what is the commission due to RTS if the property is purchased by a tenant that RTS placed in property?
Q.13: What is the purpose of the Fair Housing Statement mentioned in the agreement?
Q.14: When can RTS modify the agreement without owner's consent?
Q.15: What action must the owner take if foreclosure or a lawsuit involving the property is filed?
Q.16: What information is the OWNER responsible for providing regarding lead-based paint?
Q.17: What type of showings does RTS use to minimize market time?
Q.18: What happens if the tenant reverses funds already disbursed to OWNER?
Q.19: What is the primary purpose of the Property Management Agreement?
Q.20: What does the HOLD HARMLESS clause in the agreement cover?
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