Your nameChris Kaylor
Your emailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Your phone3308401073
File StatusBroker review
Commission detail
Net commission due agent0
Property and transaction info
Address1319-1321 fillmore
Lorain, Ohio 44052
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Actual date closing happened01/31/2023
Contract price$70,000.00
Property type (check all that apply)
  • Multi family
Seller name(s)Green Pointe Managment
Seller infoSeller info - Email phone and address unnecessary if not Realty Trust Services Client
Seller phone(330) 635-9717
Seller emailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Seller mailing address21380 Lorain Road, Ste. 201
Fairview Park, Ohio 44126
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Seller agent phone(330) 840-1073
Seller agent namechristopher Kaylor
Seller agent emailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Buyer info
Buyer name(s)Joshua Jacobs and Karen Jacobs
Buyer phone(415) 806-3419
Buyer emailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Broker representing buyerRealty Trust Services this agent
Buyer agent phone(330) 840-1073
Buyer agent namechristopher Kaylor
Buyer agent emailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Title & escrew
Title & Escrow Company Namemount Morris Title
Title phone(216) 661-2240
Title emailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Title repDebbie Wilson
What did you learn from your failure or success at this.

be more force full with clients and let them know they need to pay if nothing is available from seller.

Special notes

Wholesale cash deal off market. Deal was to die due to loan extra so had to take $0.00 commission

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CertificationI certify that during this transaction I have conducted myself with honesty, thoughtfulness and competency. No inducement of profit or other influence has caused me to depart from serving my client’s best interests as well as treating all parties involved with respect and dignity. I have observed and conducted myself in accordance with the tenets set forth in the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.