Thank you for your interest in our Virtual Assistant position. We already have your resume. Submitting this Application Form is the second step to our hiring process. If you qualify, you will receive an email within the next 5 days to schedule a google hang out interview, so please be on the lookout This form takes about 30 minutes to complete. You will have an email with all the information you gave that you can also send to other potential employers if we don't hire you. If you do not have enough time to complete it now, feel free to come back and work on it another time. Please be direct with your answers and always follow instructions carefully. Good luck!
Copyright © 2021 Realty Trust Services - All Rights Reserved. We may send out a monthly newsletter if you contact us through our web form. Andrew W. Morris is a licensed real estate broker with the State of Ohio (BRK.2008004009). Realty Trust Services, LLC is registered with the State of Ohio as a real estate company (REC.2009001863). This page was last updated.
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